

Hi Peter,

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Peter W. Draper <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> sorry, seems I confused what you get from the fitting of a composite model
> with what you get from the single line fitting. In fact you will not
> currently get any error estimates for the parameters from a composite fit
> under any circumstances.
> Since the change is relatively trivial I've changed SPLAT so that it now
> also reports errors for the composite fits as well.

Thanks for updating SPLAT to tackle this. I know it has been able to
provide uncertainties on the fitted parameters for
single-component-fits for some time now.

> Tim, I've submitted these are they accepted for the new release?

So do I understand correctly from this that a new Starlink release is
coming up soon? If yes: how soon? If not, then is there a simple
'patch' I could incorporate in the January 2010 Starlink version (on
Intel Mac OS X 10.5.8)?
[The starlink homepage at seems to be
giving old information about the Lehuakona release from Nov 2008...]

Thanks again,