Has anyone done or is aware of any research into racism against international students. If so, I would like to hear from them with details or a summary of the study.
Gary Craig
Please reply to the email address from which this message comes.
Emeritus Professor of Social Justice and Associate Fellow
Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation
27 High Street
tel. 01482 307158
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Latest reports:
Community capacity building (2010) eds. A Noya, E. Clarence and G. Craig, Paris: OECD. www.oecd.org/publications
Mapping rapidly changing ethnic minority populations (2010) with Sue Adamson, Nazreen Ali and Fasil Demsash, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. www.jrf.org.uk/publications/changing-minority-ethnic-populations
Marginalised and excluded: York's Traveller Community (2010) Marie Neale, Gary Craig and Mick Wilkinson, York: York Travellers Trust www.ytt.worldbreak.com
Forced labour and the Gangmaster's Licensing Authority (2010) Mick Wilkinson, Gary Craig and Aline Gaus, Hull: WISE  www.hull.ac.uk/WISE
Suah: the story of a trafficked child: a beautifully illustrated children's story book for ages 5-9: available price £10 (cheque with orders please to University of Hull) available from Suah, WISE, 27 High Street, Hull, HU1 1NE.
Child Slavery Now Gary Craig (ed) (2010)  Bristol: Policy Press.
'Capacity building in other policy contexts' (2010)  in S. Kenny and M Clarke (eds.), Challenging capacity buuilding, Basingstoke: Palgrave.