

Here are the quotations for this week (January 8th to 15th):
1. “No, confound him!” said the father testily. “Go on, sir! Injecto ter pulvere – you’ve kicked half the ditch into my eye already. ” …

2. “Mass without mind always comes a cropper.” … Between his uncle’s discursive evening talks, studded with kitchen-Greek and out-of-date Roman society-verses; his morning tours with the puffing Aedile; and the confidences of his lictors at all hours; he fancied he understood….

3. “What? Oh, I see. Non hoc semper erit liminis aut aquae caelestis patiens latus. … Was that done with intention?” “I – I thought it fitted, sir.” “It does. It’s distinctly happy. What put it into your thick head, Paddy?”
The sources of last week's extracts (January 2nd to 8th) are as follows:
1.  (...The sky above them was an intense velvety black, changing to bands of Indian red on the horizon...)  This is from "Quiquern" in The Second Jungle Book.
2.  (... But for the jingle of the sleight-bells the ride might have taken place in a dream...)  This is from "In Sight of Monadnock" in From Tideway to Tideway, collected in Letters of Travel, 1892-1913. 
3.  (... The mountain torrent is a boss of palest emerald ice against the dazzle of the snow ; the pine-stumps are capped and hooded with gigantic mushrooms of snow ...)  This is from "Across a Continent" in From Tideway to Tideway, collected in Letters of Travel, 1892-1913. Alastair Wilson is in the process of annotating these Letters.
Good wishes to all, John R