

Hi All,

Here in Wales we're looking into the possibility of an all-Wales solution to the provision of e-books.

There is the potential to apply for a grant from CyMAL to provide seed money to run a pilot over the next financial year.

However, as CyMAL needs to be invoiced and paid by the end of March, the time-scale on this is extremely tight.

Obviously a full tender process is impossible at this stage, but we are hopeful that the consortium approach and the budget involved will mean that we can accept quotes from several of the major players instead.

We still need to put together a mini-specification for the pilot.  And this is where (hopefully) you folks beyond the bridge/dyke come in!

If anyone has a specification for e-book provision they would be happy to share, we would be very grateful indeed.

Thanks very much / Diolch yn fawr.

Rob Boddy,

Non-Fiction Librarian,
Cardiff Libraries.