Dear all,
Unfortunately only 5 minutes of this TV film includes Florence Nightingale as in  RadStats #102.  It looks interesting though.
Janet Shapiro
Hello all,
I am sending this e-mail to:
1. All of those who know I was filmed in April for this BBC documentary on The Joy of Stats, which  will be shown tomorrow (Tuesday, 7 December) on BBC4  at 9pm. The four and a half hours of  filming in the Parliamentary Archvie, where I talked
about Victorian statisticians, but mainly Florence Nightingale,  was cut to about five minutes of Nightingale
2. Friends and colleagues who know about the work I do
3. And to anyone, mainly other statisticians, who are interested in statistics, as the bulk of the programme is a lighthearted exploration of the world of statistics, narrated by the Swedish and UNESCO statistician, Hans Rosling
For those of you who miss it tomorrow and want to see it, you can access the BBC website , where it will be shown until 14 December. Otherwise, there will be a website where it  can be accessed, and once the prodcuer needs to tell me the name of the webstie I can let anyone know who is interested.
Here is  a 4 minute excerpt from the film which the producers  put up on YouTube a few days ago as a preview, which  has already gone viral, and a quarter of a million people have already  downloaded it. .  
With  best wishes
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