

All things now rise, and the cries of men to be born
in ways afresh, aside from all old narratives, away
from intervals too wide to mark the grasses

	(not those on which cattle feed. or single stars
	which show the way to buy bad goods
	in green & red lit stores, no symbols

the grasses in the ice, or Orion's sweep. or
the closeness of turning snows, these
can tell the tale of any one of us stormed or quieted
by our own things, what belong, tenaciously
to our own selves

		from 'An Ode on Nativity,'  Charles Olson

A very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all

(even if snowed in)

Douglas Barbour
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Latest books:
Continuations (with Sheila E Murphy)

‘What, they’re all Jewish, superheroes. Superman, you don’t think he’s  
Jewish? Coming over from the old country, changing his name lke that.  
Clark Kent, only a Jew would pick a name like that for himself.’

  		Michael Chabon