Message from the MIST mailing list.

STFC’s Delivery Plan for the next spending review period was published this morning by Government, and is now available on our website  Approved by our Council and Minister, the plan is a high-level outline of our proposals for the next four years. STFC Executive’s preparations for the spending review were overseen by a sub-group of Council, with input from our Science Board, and involved discussions with the Institute of Physics and Royal Astronomical Society, our international partners and other stakeholders.

In the current difficult economic climate facing the UK public sector, STFC’s allocation provides a very positive and welcome confirmation by government of the importance of our research for the future of the UK.

In terms of the detail we argued, and government agreed, that our allocation should be partitioned between the international subscriptions, domestic large research facilities, and our grants and other programmes. This outcome will allow us to largely protect our grants portfolio, and to continue the programme announced last year following our major science prioritisation.

Our major facilities – ISIS, Central Laser Facility (CLF) and Diamond – have received an allocation agreed by all Research Councils. This provides a baseline operation for ISIS and CLF, and full operation for Diamond, to meet the requirements of users funded by the other Research Councils. STFC will also continue our efforts to expand opportunities for other users of these facilities. Finally, government has fully funded in both resource and capital the requirements of the international subscriptions we manage on behalf of the UK research base – CERN, ESO, ILL and ESRF.

The next step is to develop an Operating Plan for 2011-12 with firm allocations for our grant programmes, facilities, and other activities. We will be consulting on this during January and February and will provide information on these activities through our Website.

You may also be interested in Science Minister, David Willetts’, media statement ( RCUK, on behalf of all Councils, has also issued a statement, available online with links to all RC delivery plans: (


Keith Mason

Chief Executive


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