

The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism is delighted to invite you to the launch of a new Reuters Institute publication by Richard Sambrook:

Reuters Institute publication launch
Wednesday 8th December 18.00-20.00
Venue: Thomson Reuters, South Colonnade, Canary Wharf,  London E14 5EP

“Are Foreign Correspondents Redundant?
The changing face of international news”

This new study analyses the changes underway in international news reporting and points towards fresh ways of reporting the world

Presentation by author:
Richard Sambrook, Reuters Institute Visiting Fellow
followed by a panel discussion

chaired by David Schlesinger, Editor-in-Chief, Reuters


· Lindsey Hilsum, International Editor, Channel 4 News
· John Owen, Executive Producer, Programmes for Al-Jazeera and Professor of International Journalism , City University
· Fran Unsworth, Head of Newsgathering, BBC

A reception will follow

To register, please email your name and affiliation to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> by Friday 3rd December