

On Thu, 9 Dec 2010, Matt Doidge wrote:

> Heya,
>>>> For jobs submitted through the WMS, CERequirements will be set to:
>>>> other.GlueHostMainMemoryRAMSize > 512;
>>> So i need to account for both JDL and WMS CERequirement variables in my 
>>> (the difference being an other? Would this 
>>> again be set to '512' rather then 512?
>> Sorry, I didn't understand
> My apologies, I tried to keep things short and instead just became unclear. 
> What I failed at asking was for confirmation that my 
> would (in our case) need to take into account 
> both direct jdl CERequirements (GlueHostMainMemoryRAMSize_min) and WMS 
> forwarded requirements (other.GlueHostMainMemoryRAMSize_min), and in both 
> cases would the value of this variable be passed to the local script in '' 
> (so '512' rather then 512)?

No: you have to take into account only GlueHostMainMemoryRAMSize_min 
(not other.GlueHostMainMemoryRAMSize_min) and the value will be '512'

 			Cheers, Massimo

> Thanks,
> Matt

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