

Renzo's comments in part related to a reply which I accidentally sent only to him !
"There must be many organisations around which are not necessarily a "legal entity" but which are nonetheless data controllers."

We are mixing definitions here. Such an organisation would fall within my definition of legal entity.
"Person" is natural or under Interpretation Act 1978 " Person includes a body of persons corporate or unincorporate. "
I apologise for the unprofessional use of the vague term "legal entity"
My point was that a committee or sub-committee is not a person in this sense - it is only part of a person.
End of Original Reply. I now add.
Although we have had an interesting technical discussion I do not think anyone has actually disagreed with my conclusion about the Standards Committee.
If you look at how it is constituted, and its terms of reference it simply does not have the characteristics of a legal person.
By and large it is limited to reporting to, advising, and recommending to the Council. The one exception is that it can decide complaints, but even that is still a delegated power from the Council.
It cannot even enter into a contract to order its own refreshments - the Council does that.
If the Standards Committee has to register, then so would e.g. the Education Scrutiny Committee, which has non-Council voting members. I cannot see how they are legally any different.
I suspect the person who has suggested this has got hung up on the word independent but note  - this word appears in neither the Act nor the Regulations which are "The Standards Committee (England) Regulations"
It is not an independent committee. It is a committee with independent members.
So I can happily agree with everything* Renzo has said and still give you a definitive answer which I remain happy with.
* Well not quite. All such legal concepts are ultimately rather vague. The Interpretation Act is not much  help at all here because all committees are "a body of persons ... unincorporate" . So is my management team. They are still not legal persons.   

Phillip Bradshaw

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