Hi all and a very happy new year.

Following the success of the London-based Critical Sexology seminar series over the last decade we have taken the decision to run one session per year in the North from 2011 onwards. For this reason I am contacting you all to invite you to attend our first session in 2011 and to get involved in the future.

Critical sexology is a free interdisciplinary seminar series for psychologists, psychotherapists, medical doctors, literary and cultural studies scholars, philosophers, artists, activists, lawyers and historians with a critical interest in the construction and management of gender and sexuality in the medical, discursive and cultural spheres. See www.criticalsexology.org.uk for further details of our past events.

The first 'Up North' seminar will focus on relationships and will take place at Manchester Metropolitan University, 2-6pm, on 23rd September 2011. The following event will be based at Huddersfield University in 2012, and we are keen to hear from people from other universities who are keen to host future events. See www.criticalsexology.org.uk/forthcoming.html for details of forthcoming seminars.

Please pass this message on to groups, colleagues, students, and others who you know in this area who might be interested in attending.

If you are keen to be kept informed of future seminars and related events, and are not aready a member, please sign up to our listserv on https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=critsex&A=1

All the very best,

Meg Barker and Lisa Downing