

Good morning,

I just tried to update Analysis 2.1.5 and it ended with an error. I was
going to attach a screen grab showing the update window, but all the updates
are listed in the traceback. I chose "Select All" then "Install Selected".
Here's the traceback:

>>> installing 
installing /usr/local/ccpnmr/ccpnmr2.1/python/memops/gui/
installing /usr/local/ccpnmr/ccpnmr2.1/python/ccpnmr/update/
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/ccpnmr/python2.6/lib/python2.6/lib-tk/", line
1410, in __call__
    return self.func(*args)
  File "/usr/local/ccpnmr/ccpnmr2.1/python/ccpnmr/update/",
line 182, in install
  File "/usr/local/ccpnmr/ccpnmr2.1/python/ccpnmr/update/",
line 202, in installUpdates
    #if not isWindowsOS():
NameError: global name 'i' is not defined

I could close the update window; it reopened with the same list. Clicking
"Refresh List" led to an empty list. Quitting then restarting Analysis and
checking for updates again led to an empty list. Given the traceback, I'm
not sure whether or not the updates were successful.

If it matters, I'm running on a Intel Core Duo iMac with fully patched OS X
10.6.5, and I installed the latest Xcode update just this morning.


Dr. Andrew Fowler                 | University of Iowa
Associate Director                | B291 Carver Biomedical Research Building
Medical NMR Facility              | Iowa City, IA 52242
319-384-2937 (office)             | 319-335-7273 (fax)
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