Dear All,

I would  like to point your attention to the advertisement on Junior Group Leader Positions in Vienna

The Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL; are a recently established joint venture of the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna, engaged in top level biomedical research and training. MFPL houses more than 60 research groups, covering areas that include Cell Signaling, Chromosomes, Cytoskeleton, Infection Biology, Organelle Biogenesis, RNA Biology, Structural and Computational Biology, including Bioinformatics. MFPL is embedded in the Vienna Biocenter
Campus, one of Europe’s leading Research Centers.

Junior Group Leader Positions – Tenure Track

Positions are available for outstanding scientists from any research field who address fundamental biological questions.
These tenure track positions are offered initially for six years, and include internationally competitive salaries and a generous start-up package. Applications should include a CV, a brief summary of past research and future plans, up to three representative publications, and the contact addresses of three referees. Please email your application (preferably as a single PDF) to: [log in to unmask] c/o Graham Warren.

Closing date for applications is February 28th, 2011.

MFPL wishes to increase its share of female researchers and we explicitly encourage women to apply for these group leader positions. The campus hosts an international kindergarten and applications from couples are encouraged. The working language of the Institute is English.


Department for Structural and Computational Biology
Max F. Perutz Laboratories
University of Vienna
Campus Vienna Biocenter 5
A-1030 Vienna

e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Phone: +43-1-4277-52203/52201
Mobile: +43-664-602 77-522 03
Fax: +43-1-4277-9522