Ethos works in the main by the host institution paying a subscription.  Requests for digitization of theses are then defrayed from this sum, currently at a max of £42.  
Ethos has been very successful and member institutions frequently  'run out' of money before the end of the subscription year.  This may have happened in the case of the institutions who have the material you requested.  In other words they may not have withdrawn and may renew subs next year.
Also, as I understand you or your affiliated institution can also pay for the digitization.

On 9 December 2010 14:51, Daniel Harms <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I just received a notification from the British Library's EThOS thesis digitization effort that two of my requests could not be fulfilled because institutions had withdrawn from the program.  Does anyone have any more insight into this?


Dan Harms
Instructional Services Librarian and Bibliographer
SUNY Cortland Memorial Library
P. O. Box 2000
Cortland, NY  13045
(607) 753-4042

Peter McCormack
Sub-Librarian (Head of Technical Services)
SOAS Library Tech. Services Dept.,
Thornhaugh Street
Russell Square
London WC1H 0XG