


I'm trying to run the latest VBM8 for 60+ subjects on iMac 10.5 with 4GB of memory and I'm getting the "Out of memory" error when processing subject #10. I'd appreciate any useful suggestions!

Initial Coarse Affine Registration..
Fine Affine Registration..
VBM8 Revision 369

Amap segmentation of /Users/Lara/LS folder/data/spgr/6_year_olds/nifti6yo/ASD_033_12250_007.nii with Kmeans initialization.
Clean up...
Dartel normalization...
1 	520362	0	520362	255.134
2 	447557	21441.5	468999	119.106
3 	438006	24800.1	462806	41.0026
4 	437627	12901.7	450529	109.442
5 	413580	29075.8	442656	39.3653
6 	411786	30025.6	441812	24.393
Failed  'VBM8: Estimate & Write'
Error using ==> dartel3
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
In file "/Users/Lara/spm8/toolbox/vbm8/cg_vbm8_write.m" (v366), function "cg_vbm8_write" at line 492.
In file "/Users/Lara/spm8/toolbox/vbm8/cg_vbm8_run.m" (v364), function "run_job" at line 233.
In file "/Users/Lara/spm8/toolbox/vbm8/cg_vbm8_run.m" (v364), function "cg_vbm8_run" at line 89.

The following modules did not run:
Failed: VBM8: Estimate & Write
