

If you are intrigued by our OxGarage system, some more details:

 * it is predicated on use of TEI XML as a pivot format if in doubt
 * it is an engine which manages XSLT transformations, and can chain them together to manage
     A -> B -> C in one step
 * it uses a headless OpenOffice to manage binary formats (and therein lies
    the problem with some formats - OO does not do them well)
 * the TEI infrastructure does come  with conversions to XHTML, docx, LaTeX and ePub all working
 * it is open source  (enrich-ege on Sourceforge)

ePub enthusiasts may like to catch our recent press release about our
pioneering use of ePub in iTunesU, at - this
work was all done using TEI and the OxGarage.

HOWEVER, if I was asked to support a CMS in which the material was authored in Word
and that used to update the CMS automatically, I'd likely prefer to cut off my own legs with
a kitchen knife. I am not sure if that is Ed's spec tho - is it for a one-off transform, or a regular
Sebastian Rahtz      
 Information and Support Group Manager
Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

Sólo le pido a Dios
que el futuro no me sea indiferente