Hi Dear SPM users
I encounter one weird problem in SPM8:
When I started MATLAB, set path, ran "spm fmri", in batch editor, if I loaded an M batchfile which was generated beforehand, the "done" button would disappear. At the same time, in the main command window, the following messages showed up. The same happened when I tried to save an M file.
Error in ==> cfg_getfile>selector at 543
Error in ==> cfg_getfile at 166
    [t,sts] = selector(varargin{:});
Error in ==> cfg_ui>MenuFileLoad_Callback at 1084
    [files sts] = cfg_getfile([1 Inf], 'batch', 'Load Job File(s)');
Error in ==> gui_mainfcn at 75
Error in ==> cfg_ui at 53
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
??? Error using ==> cfg_ui('MenuFileLoad_Callback',gcbo,[],guidata(gcbo))

??? Interrupt while evaluating uipushtool ClickedCallback.

I'm working on a server through Remote Desktop (have limited authority to install new software or modify JAVA...), which is run on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition SP2. The MATLAB version I'm using is R2006b.
So far, I've tried restarted MATLAB, re-logged in to the server, refreshed my SPM8 packages. None of them worked.
Writing this post to look for your kindly help...
Thanks in advance.