

Hi Adrian,

You may want to compute the F-test below which will tells you whether at
least one of your condition differ from all other included in your model. It
is a standard 2nd level F-test contrast for 1way within subjects ANOVAs.

ncond = 4; nsubj = 11;

F = eye(ncond)*(ncond-1)/ncond + (ones(ncond)-eye(ncond))*-1/ncond;
F = [zeros(ncond , nsubj) F];

It assumes as in your case that the factor *subject *in your ANOVA precedes
the factor *condition*.

The first expression calculates the following matrix :

* 0.75*  -0.25   -0.25   -0.25
-0.25  * 0.75*   -0.25   -0.25
-0.25  -0.25    *0.75*   -0.25
-0.25  -0.25   -0.25    *0.75*

Best wishes


2010/11/25 Jonathan Peelle <[log in to unmask]>

> Hi Adrian
> > 1. Are the above contrasts correct.
> Yes, they seem fine.
> > 2. Why do the contrasts have to sum up to 0? I thought the F-contrast
> should be [zeros(4, 11) eye(4)], but SPM says "invalid contrast".
> When you have columns for subject effects, it's not possible to
> directly estimate the mean for certain conditions.  I.e., if you look
> at the indicators along the bottom of the design matrix, they will be
> gray.  This means you can't do the equivalent of a "[1 0...]" contrast
> with these columns, and thus an eye(4) contrast is similarly invalid
> (because each row contains an invalid contrast).  Comparing conditions
> is still fine (as you've discovered).
> > 3. Can I simply multiply my contrasts by -1 to test for "negative"
> effects?
> Yes.
> Hope this helps!
> Jonathan

Swann Pichon, PhD
 Laboratory for Behavioral Neurology and Imaging of Cognition
Department of Neuroscience, University Medical Center
1 rue Michel-Servet, 1211 GENEVA 4, Switzerland
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