

At 11:16 11/11/2010 +0000, Allan Reese (Cefas) wrote:
>Since list messages are archived, there is little point in accumulating 
>all previous messages in each reply.  It s much easier if those replying 
>to messages extract only the points they are replying to and quite easy to 
>do so.  The convention is to preface those lines with > so your new - 
>original and brilliant - contribution stands out.  Standard meaningless 
>disclaimers are obvious candidates to drop.

I couldn't agree more.  I always do all I can to edit out all but the 
crucial bits, in the interests of tidiness, and I suppose it might be 
suggested that those who don't may be guilty of a little laziness.

It's an oft-discussed topic, but I don't think it's real a 'big deal' these 
days.  Gone are the days when people had reason to be concerned about large 
messages because of download time or storage capacity - so I guess it's now 
simply a matter of tidiness and readability.

Kind Regards,


Dr John Whittington,       Voice:    +44 (0) 1296 730225
Mediscience Services       Fax:      +44 (0) 1296 738893
Twyford Manor, Twyford,    E-mail:   [log in to unmask]
Buckingham  MK18 4EL, UK

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