

Call for papers for the 5th International Comedy Conference

University of Salford

2nd & 3rd June 2011


Comedy & Conflict



Comedy is often a bedfellow of conflict, whether in the domestic sphere
or on an international stage. Double acts have made their careers
through representations of conflict real or imagined. Comedians have
used conflict as the basis for performances since comedy began - a pie
in the face is as guaranteed a laugh getter as a well timed insult.
There would be no Odd Couple without conflict - The War of the Roses
used matrimonial conflict as the basis for its discourse and comedy has
often flourished in the face of conflict, we need only look at the 'tiny
revolutions' of gags that were told during the days of Soviet occupation
in  Eastern Europe.


Possible Topics for consideration might include -


Double Acts

Relationship conflicts

Jokes at war

Jokes from the home front

Students versus teachers

Anti-Imperialism and comedy

The battle of the sexes


The organisers are happy to consider papers relating to other aspects of
comedy -


Please submit proposals (maximum 250 words with a brief biog) by email
to -


CP Lee - [log in to unmask]       and   David James  -
[log in to unmask]


By Wednesday 26th January 2011




Dr CP Lee

School of Media, Music & Performance

(Office) 0161 295 6058

International Comedy Conference


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