Gentle Readers, To improve access to our antiquarian and out-of-print map collection, our website has been updated with the addition of three drop-down menus listing 250 Quick Links to the Newberry Library Cartographic Catalog--- Each link automatically searches and displays associated catalog records, all sorted by date of publication. These include the following categories of maps and atlases--- 1) World maps, maps of the continents, and maps of continental regions 2) Countries of the world 3) Maps of the United States and U.S. regions, states, and territories Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Please reply directly to [log in to unmask] Thank you for kindly your time ---Patrick Morris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Patrick A. Morris Map Cataloger and Reference Librarian The Newberry Library 60 W. Walton Street Chicago, Illinois 60610-7324 312-255-3674 [log in to unmask] Search our map catalog at Newberry Library web site: