

The HOGG Conference on Geological Collectors and Collecting will take place on 4-5 April 2011 at the Flett Theatre at the Natural History Museum in London. The conference covers collecting of geological maps and books as well as fossils, rocks and minerals. It is timed to coincide with the Christies Sale of Travel, Science and Natural History Artefacts on 6 April 2011. Convenors include John Henry (HOGG member, and proprietor of 19th Century Geological Maps), Sarah Long (Head of Palaeontology Collections at  the Natural History Museum London), and Nina Morgan (Science writer and HOGG committee member).


We are now beginning our registration process. A full programme and timetable for the conference, a registration form, which provides full details about the conference costs and how to register and a poster about the conference can be downloaded from the HOGG website 


The conference will cater for a wide range of interests, and is open to all.  For further information, contact Nina Morgan  [log in to unmask] We hope to see you there!