

Hi there, 

any advice on the following two MELODIC-related topics would be greatly appreciated:

I - What are the command line options for setting the following: 
	- spatial smoothing FWHM;
	- high pass temporal filtering cutoff;
	- main structural image for registration;
    … and all the other parameters that GUI allows to set?
   (No info on melodic --help about those settings)

II - How to perform IC analysis of the whole brain using a mask as original ROI (e.g. the occipital lobe)? In order to set the parameters listed above I ran MELODIC from the GUI and set a ROI correspondent to the occipital lobe as "Alternative (to BETting) mask image" in the .fsf file (as suggested in previous post: 
However, as expected, that's not what I'm interested in. In fact, I'm interested in finding out whether there are regions (out of the whole brain) that correlate with the occipital lobe. Is there a way to let MELODIC perform such a task?

Many thanks in advance for your help, 
