

Dear All

I was about to contact Celia Benassi after her first e-mail to remind her of Alex's point - when I realized that there was no e-mail address to which to send this, other than the EATAW list.  (Well done, Celia, to have included it on the next e-mail!)

Let's all make a habit of including our own addresses when posting to the list.  Then one-to-one contact is possible, and Alex & those like him don't get so tetchy.  (Mind you, I can get tetchy too when some b***** Aussie tells me about his weather.  It's cold in Hull; it's snowing but not yet lying, so there's colder tro come.  Meanwhile it's damp, dank and pretty miserable.  Alex, you b****!)


Peter Wilson
quondam Academic Writing and Study Skills adviser
formerly of Study Advice Service
University of Hull
 [log in to unmask] 

-----Original Message-----
From: European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing - discussions on behalf of Alex Barthel
Sent: Wed 24/11/2010 22:00
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: technical academic writing discussion?
dear EATAW colleagues,
can you please remember that when you hit reply and think you're responding to 1 person, you are actually sending your message to everyone on the EATAW  list. Apart from the annoyance this may cause, you may be trying to communicate information meant for 1 person, not to be shared with hundreds ...
I know how frustrating this can be, but EATAW, unlike many other list servers I am familiar with, refuses to change this set up.
BTW: the information Kate Chanock has been circulating about a job in Melbourne, Australia is to recruit a director (not a teacher) with academic status, at Associate Professor level, for a university wide Academic Language & Learning Centre.
ps. ... waking up to a sunny 27?C day in Sydney ....

On 25/11/10 2:53 AM, "cecilia benassi" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Lawrie thanks for replying!!! I am really interested in knowing more about your work. I am always eager to make contact with teachers that work on my field. I have been working with ESP at the university  in Argentina for 16 years, but I have always taught reading comprehension to students in  Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, Math and Genetics careers and since 4 years ago I have started, together with a team of teachers, teaching academic writing which is really challenging to me.My personal email is: [log in to unmask]
Hope to hear from you!!!
Cecilia Benassi
2010/11/24 Lawrie Hunter <[log in to unmask]>
Hello Maria,

I see your reply to Caroline Channock on the EATAW list.

However, I note that she is advertising for a teacher. I am a university academic writing teacher (for engineers, foreign students) in Japan. I have my own one-year EAP writing program, my own textbook, and my own writing center. If you're interested in discussion, I am willing to be of help.


Lawrie Hunter
Critical thinking / English for Academic Purposes / CALL
Kochi University of Technology
Office: [log in to unmask]
Personal: [log in to unmask]

Mailing address:
Kochi University of Technology
Miyanokuchi 185, Tosayamada-cho
Kochi-Ken, Japan   782-8502

Tel/fax 0887-56-4441          International 81+887-56-4441
Office tel 0887-57-2100       International 81+887-57-2100

On Nov 24, 2010, at 8:21 PM, cecilia benassi wrote:

Hi! i would like to know about opportunities for overseas universities teachers of english  of coaching students in their academic skills. I am  working with postgraduate sutednts in the genetic carreer at my university in Argentina helping them to write their research projects in english, so I find challenging doing it with foreign sutdents as well.
Maria Cecilia Benassi

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