

Hi Tim,

THE GARDEN is absolutely fantastic, perfect really, for what you're looking for I think. Here's a link to the film's page on our site:

There's also OUR HOUSE (about Christian anarchist squatters), THE BIG SELLOUT (looks at international resistance in communities facing privatization measures), BEVEL UP: DRUGS, USERS AND OUTREACH NURSING (Vancouver's downtown Eastside), ROADSWORTH (about the role of art in public spaces/communities), CARTS OF DARKNESS (homeless men surviving in gentrified north vancouver), ART IN ACTION (radical art activists combat homelessness and gentrification), MALLS R US (about the mallification of the world), THE CANAL STREET MADAM (a brothel the business elite frequent but don't want in their neighbourhoods), INVISIBLE CITY (about the inner-city housing project of Toronto's Regent Park), GULIANI TIME (about Rudy Guliani's "clean up" of NY city), THE ATLANTA WAY (about gentrification), THE WATER FRONT (black citizens kicked out of their neighbourhoods due to high water prices), FLAG WARS (gentrification), CAMP KATRINA (a community regroups and supports each other following the flooding), and LAND OF DESTINY (about an industrial town and mental/physical health issues in Ontario).

Many of those you can find on the Cinema Politica site. Hope that helps!!


On 2010-11-15, at 7:53 AM, HALL, Tim wrote:

Dear List Members,
I am looking to update some video / dvd / audio-visual resources I use with my students.  Is anyone aware of any good / recent programs broadly about urban regeneration and social exclusion / community resistance / protest.  The ones I use are beginning to show their age a little.
Many thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
Tim Hall
University of Gloucestershire
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Ezra Winton
Film Editor, Art Threat
Phd Candidate, Communication Studies - Carleton University