This is very helpful and much appreciated, George - a really clear and informative lecture to be able to refer people to online and particularly relevant right now in the light of the different campaigning approaches being advocated by WWF's Common Cause report and Chris Rose at Campaign Strategy. 
btw, in case you send it out again in this format, you've got the url for part 2 under part 3 and vice versa.
Thanks for posting it
Jon Barrett  

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 12:11 PM, George Marshall <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear friends,


I have loaded up on youtube a presentation called ‘The Ingenious Ways We Avoid Believing in Climate Change’. It contains a lot of my ideas and material on the psychology of climate change denial and climate communications and comes in three instalments. 


Part one

Risk – and why we don’t feel threatened by climate change

Belief – why we can’t just accept the information and need to believe in it

Attention – how avoiding  talking about climate change is like avoiding talking about human rights atrocities


Part two –

Stories – the way we mediate information about climate change. The problem with polar bears and why human rights organisations are more interested in ice cream than climate change.


Part three

Distancing – the strategies we adopt to keep the information at arm’s length

Compartmentalising – how we can accept climate change and continue polluting behaviour

Positive Framing – how we seek to turn climate change into a personal advantage

Ethical Offsets – how we adopt the easiest behaviours as proof of our virtue

Cynicism- the commercial appropriation of climate change images

What happens next? - surprisingly - what happens next


OK- it is hardly Inconvenient Truth or Story of Stuff. It was a lecture I gave last year at a climate psychology conference at the University of the West of England and I didn’t really twig that it was being taped or I would have worn a better jumper and not slouched about so much- but it was a nice lively audience and I got enough time to cover the ground well. All in all I am pleased with it and I think it is an entertaining introduction  to the topic.


I really hope you do to.


Please share it with anyone who might like it and embed it anywhere you want




George Marshall,

Director of Projects,

Climate Outreach Information Network

[log in to unmask]


Direct Telephone (Wales) 01686 411 080

Mobile 0781 724 1889

Skype: climategeorge


Main COIN Office

01865 403 334


The Climate Outreach and Information Network is a charitable trust formed in 2004 to directly engage the public about climate change, COIN inspires lasting changes in attitudes and behaviours through the use of innovative action learning methods and by assisting people to communicate their own messages to their peers. Charity registration number  1123315



Jon Barrett
Le projet pour une vie durable
29620 Guimaec

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