

Dear All,


Please see below for the full announcement and application details for a Wood Identification Course that is held at Kew Gardens. We have already filled several places on the course with people who expressed interest last year. If you are interested in attending please contact Dr Peter Gasson (see below) as soon as possible as we anticipate that the final few places will fill up very quickly.


Many thanks,


Lucy Allott



Identification of Wood, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew           21-25 February 2010


The course is designed for people working with wood: botanists, archaeologists, conservators, furniture and picture restorers, and workers in forensic science and allied professions.


The course will include the following:

·         Detailed study of wood structure for both hardwoods and softwoods using light microscopy. 

·         Methods used for the identification of wood including keys, tables, atlases, computer systems and comparison with authenticated material.

·         Two days devoted to lectures and practical identification sessions concentrating on archaeological charcoal and waterlogged wood, root woods and decorative veneers and timbers.

·         Tours of the reference collection of microscope slides (Jodrell Laboratory) and wood collection (Museum of Economic Botany).


Course Tutors: Peter Gasson (Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) and Lucy Allott (Archaeology SE, University College London)


Maximum number of participants: 10  


Course fee: £450 per person. This includes registration pack and course materials, but not travel or accommodation, which must be booked by students themselves. Advice on accommodation can be supplied on request.


For further details please contact:

Dr Peter Gasson,

Jodrell Laboratory,

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,

Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AB. UK.

tel: +44-(0)20-8332-5330

email: [log in to unmask]




Dr Peter Gasson

Jodrell Laboratory

Royal Botanic Gardens






Tel. 020-8332-5330

Fax. 020-8332-5310