

Hi all,

I'm trying to design an auditory repetition-suppression study which
will be done with ERP and fMRI (seperately, not at the same time!).
The ERP is not a problem, we've done plenty of ERP studies before and
the design is fine, but I'm struggling a bit with the fMRI design.
We've been told that in order to get published we need to use sparse
rather than continuous scanning (and that makes sense as a way of
avoiding interference). Time is a major constraint; we only have a
limited amount of funding for scanner time, so we need to have a
design which collects as much useful data as possible in as short a
session as possible (probably about 15 minutes per participant). But
BOLD responses have a fairly long latency (peaking some time between 6
and 10 seconds after onset, according to the literature. We've found
one study which does repetition-suppression using sparse scanning, and
have a very short ISI, with the stimuli in random order,a nd
repetitions taking place after several intervening stimuli, so I think
we're going to use that as a template, but I'm really struggling to
understand how the data would be analysed, given that the BOLD signal
from each stimulus is going to be peaking during a later stimulus.
Anyway, if that makes any sense to you, do you know of any good
introductory sources for this kind of thing? I'm more of a
psycholinguist than a neuroscientist at this point (although I'm keen
to get more involved with the neuroscience side of things), and most
of the papers and texts I've found assume a level of knowledge I don't
have at the moment. Any pointers gratefully received!