

I must be getting old now
-yes I know that feeling I miss the bombs dropping on our air raid shelter
courtesy those Nazi bombers and was it Horlicks than granny used to ply me
P most ancient

-----Original Message-----
From: Poetryetc: poetry and poetics [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Millicent
Sent: 20 October 2010 20:53
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Poetry Pet Peeve


I must be getting old now, officially, since I mourn the good old days!

Here's another pet peeve.
In the olden days of poetry submissions, I printed out copies of my poems,
put them in an envelope with an SASE and a cover letter then mailed them.
Pretty much the only "guidelines" I checked were dates that the journal
accepted work and how many poems they wanted (3-4 or 3-5).  I also used to
rotate which journals I subscribed to (limiting myself to five each
year--for financial reasons).  Back in the 90's I even had a spiffy computer
program that spit out cover letters and tracked submissions for me (all I
had to do was enter the journal and, once I had submitted there, the address
and editor info was saved).
Gosh.  Some journals are online, some are print. Some want snail mail
submissions, while others request email but no attachments, while still
others WANT attachments (but all poems in one file with a specific name).
Still more have their own forms or online submission tools. The most
complicated ask you to create a login and password and fill out a form, then
create a PDF for each poem as well as a cover letter, then confirm your
submission via email.
I am sure it will happen some day, but it would be nice if there were
standards or a central submission tool.  Or, heck, even an agreement about
