Hi Catherine
Hearing loss in soldiers/gamekeepers/poachers/recreational gun users occurs in the ear farthest (that looks like the wrong spelling!!) ear from the expected source of noise...it is due to the shooter next to them!
H&S may need to look at alternate noise sources or reflected sound.
in relation to voice care
or look at teachers/teaching union websites in relation to this.

--- On Wed, 20/10/10, Catherine Tye <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: Catherine Tye <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [OCC-HEALTH] Call centre staff, noise exposure, voice health and 12 hours shifts.....
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Wednesday, 20 October, 2010, 23:27



I have just found out some call centre staff that I do audiometry for are changing from 8 to 12 hr shifts – apart from the LAC call centre guidance 10/2006 does anyone know of any research/ guidance that maybe of use please?


They wear mono-aural headsets and I was quite surprised as a few of those tested showed what looked like a temporary threshold shift in the non-covered by headset ear (I was expecting it to be the other way round.) I did refer 3 out of 16 who had a solid wax plug in the side they wear their headset for syringing. Three in a day is a lot!


I went in the call-centre and there was 20-30 staff there and it was surprisingly quiet actually. Risk of acoustic shock is low as they are talking to suppliers/engineers rather than end users.


If anyone has any or knows of any posters/ health ed leaflets on voice health, easing neck & shoulder tension, headset hygiene, induction training in relation to volume setting etc aimed at call centre staff or those who talk a lot (!) I would be really grateful please.


BIG thanks in anticipation!


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