PhD and postdoc positions in attosecond molecular science are available at the Laboratory of physical chemistry of ETH Zurich. The successful candidates will develop new experimental methods to probe the dynamics of molecules on the shortest currently accessible time scales using state-of-the-art ultrafast laser systems. The projects include the measurement of the evolving electronic structure of a molecule undergoing a chemical reaction, the observation of electron circulation in molecular systems and the imaging of attosecond electronic wave packets in molecules.


We are seeking highly motivated candidates with a MSc/PhD degree in physical chemistry or AMO physics. Experience with the operation of lasers and vacuum systems is an advantage.


The positions are available immediately, the closing date is November 30th 2010. Applicants should submit a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, names and addresses of two referees and a grade record of their Master’s examination (for PhD candidates).


For additional information please contact: Prof. Hans Jakob Wörner

Phone number: +41 44 6334412, email: [log in to unmask]


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