

*** Final Call for Papers ***

February 25-26 2011, Heinrich-Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf, Germany.

Organisers: Gerhard Schurz, Ludwig Fahrbach and Ioannis Votsis

Invited Speakers: Martin Carrier (Bielefeld), Deborah Mayo (Virginia 
Tech), Cornelis Menke (Bielefeld), Stathis Psillos (Athens), Roger White 
(MIT) and John Worrall (LSE).

The aim of the conference is to explore new and fruitful answers to 
three central questions: What are novel predictions? Ought novel 
predictions have more epistemic weight than mere accommodations? Can 
novel predictions help us make headway in the scientific realism debate? 
We expect that the talks will cover one or more of the following related 
topics, simplicity, unification, curve-fitting, approximate truth, 
inference to the best explanation, the no-miracles argument and 
scientific theory change.

We invite abstracts of up to 500 words on any of the above or closely 
related topics. Please e-mail contributions to Ioannis Votsis ( 
[log in to unmask] ). Make sure to include your full 
name, institutional affiliation and e-mail address.

Submission Deadline: 15 OCTOBER 2010
Acceptance Notification: 15 NOVEMBER 2010

We hope to publish the proceedings of the conference in a reputable 
scientific journal. Upon completion of the conference, we will invite 
participants to submit written-up versions of their talks. Submitted 
papers will then be subjected to a peer-review process.

Speakers – Provisional Talk Titles:
Martin Carrier (Bielefeld) 'Prediction in Context: On the Comparative 
Epistemic Merit of Predictive Success'

Deborah Mayo (Virginia Tech) 'Some Surprising Facts About (the problem 
of) Surprising Facts'

Ludwig Fahrbach (Duesseldorf) 'Novel Predictions: In Search of the 

Cornelis Menke (Bielefeld) 'On the Vagueness of "Novelty" and Chance as 
an Explanation of Predictive Success'

Stathis Psillos (Athens) 'Novelty-in-Use: On Perrin's Argument for 

Gerhard Schurz (Duesseldorf) 'Theoretical Parameters and Use-Novelty 
Criterion of Confirmation'

Ioannis Votsis (Duesseldorf) 'Novel Predictions: The Few Miracles 
Argument for Scientific Realism'

Roger White (MIT) 'Testing'

John Worrall (LSE) 'Prediction and Accommodation: A Comparison of Rival 

Attendance is open to all. If you plan to attend please contact Ioannis 
Votsis ( [log in to unmask] ).