

Dear Colleagues and Friends


I have lost count of the number of letters and mails that I know have been
sent by members of this list to the Dean of Arts - Prof. Charles Martindale,
by the way, a classicist (sorry not to have said that earlier). They have
been extremely numerous, have often been very forcefully formulated, and
have mustered powerful and (to my mind) intellectually irresistible
arguments. The University is, I think, surprised by the degree of concern
being voiced, and that itself gives those working for a review of the
situation a little more confidence. Our students, too, are actively
supporting us, with messages of an eloquence and clarity that make us proud.


On behalf of the whole Department, thank you to everyone who has written and
who  is preparing to write. Thank you, too, to those widening the debate,
because doing that is ultimately the only way we will all be able to secure
any longer-term protection for what we do.  I will update the list with any
material progress.


With thanks again and best wishes,
