

On 10/11/2010 3:56 PM, ray kirk wrote:

> Is it research? that is the question. This comes up for me from time to
> time, so its not new. Conducting systematic reviews, health technology
> assessments, and meta-analyses, to name a few of the methods we use, is
> it research? I am currently having this debate with my academic
> institution who believe (well some do and quite strongly) that its not
> research. Of course, I believe it is, we create new knowledge, apply it
> in new ways, to create new outcomes. The counter argument focuses on -
> "its secondary data analysis, isn't it?" and therefore, /ipso facto/,
> its not research. I suppose it comes down to what you define as research
> and then - is what we do a fit for the definition. I welcome your
> thoughts on-line or off-line.

The definition that most IRBs use for research comes from the Department 
of Health and Human Services. "DHHS regulations define research as a 
systematic investigation, including research development, testing and 
evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge."

All of the activities that you describe are systematic and they do 
contribute to generalized knowledge.

As a statistician, I am shocked that anyone would even consider 
secondary data analysis as not being research. Some of the most 
important research findings I have helped with have been secondary data 
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