

Dear Colleagues

I am preparing a short paper to present to our Equality Committee, suggesting that a central budget be set up to fund reasonable adjustments for staff.  

Kingston operates a system of devolved budgets so reasonable adjustment provision can not only affect the budgets of departments and faculties differently, depending on the needs of their staff, but can also be a barrier to disabled staff requesting adjustments as they will be aware of the impact at a local level and, may also be aware of staff already receiving funding which may inhibit them from putting any more strain on the budget.

I believe the ECU is imminently producing such guidance but possibly not in time for my paper.  I am also aware of Access to Work arrangements and funding but this doesn't cover everything.

If any of your institutions have a central budget could you possibly answer the following or pass this to someone who can as I have already been asked what other institutions do?

1. How much is annually allocated to this budget?

2. Who is responsible for deciding who gets funding and what is funded?

3. Does your fund include local alterations to buildings or just arrangements for the workstation and auxiliary aids?

4. Who is responsible for administering the budget?

5. How does one apply for funding?

6. What is the average annual spend?

If you can think of anything useful that I should also consider then please include it.

Many thanks
Kind regards

Tammy Rich
Equality Adviser I Equality Unit 

Kingston University London I 53 Portland Road I Kingston upon Thames I Surrey KT1 2SH 
T 020 8417 4025 I Internal 64025 I F 020 8417 4159  I E [log in to unmask] I

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