

This might be of interest, pleace contact the organisers, not Sport&EU


Seminar on The Impact of the EU and the Lisbon Treaty on Sport in Scotland' which will take place at the EP Edinburgh offices on Friday 10 September 2010.

The programme is attached.

The aim of the seminar is to inform Scottish sports organisations about recent developments in EU sports policy, and in particular what may change as a result of the Lisbon Treaty.  This will include some discussion about the likely shape of the Commission Communication on Sport which is due in November 2010.

Four panellists will make short presentations, which will be followed by a discussion/Q&A session.  The panellists are:

 *   David Martin MEP
 *   Dr. Borja García García, Institute of Sport and Leisure Policy, Loughborough University
 *   Jürgen Ditthard, Secretariat of the European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education
 *   Dave Renouf , British Association of Snowsport Instructors (BASI)
David Martin MEP will provide an overview of the European Parliament and its procedures; Dr García will provide an overview of EU Sports Policy; Jürgen Ditthard will speak about the history of the debate on the EU and Sport in the European Parliament; and Dave Renouf will explain the battle the BASI has had to gain EU-wide recognition for its qualifications in Snowsport instruction.

The seminar will take place at the European Parliament Office in Edinburgh at The Tun, 4 Jackson's Entry, Holyrood Road, EH8 8PJ on Friday 10 September, from 11.00-13.00.  Coffee will be available from 10.30 and the seminar will be followed by an informal buffet lunch.

We very much look forward to meeting you on Friday 10 September.

Best regards,



Grace Egan

European Parliament - DG Communication
Office in Scotland, The Tun,  Edinburgh, EH8 8PJ
Phone: +44 (0) 131 557 7866
Fax  : +44 (0) 131 557 4977

Sport&EU, The Association for the Study of Sport and the European Union can be found at