

Dear SPMers,

I am a new SPM8 user,  I have a few questions related to FMRI_T0:

From the definition microtime onset is the first time bins at which the regressors are resampled to coincide with data aquisition.
Can anyone help me, explain this in details. I still confusing what is microtime onset is.

From this SPM list I found 2 equation that can be use to calculate the microtime onset.

fMRI_T0 = fMRI_T (TA/TR) (1/2)

fMRI_T0 = (fMRI_T /TR)(TR - TA/2)

I am not sure which equation is suitable with my data. My TR = 16s and TA = 2s.
Stimulus will be given at-10s (As per attachment). I have tried to calculate my data using both equation but the
results were not consistent.

I would really appreciate some help with this matter.
Thanks in advance


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