

Dear Lars,

On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 13:36:20 +0200, Michels Lars <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Dear SPM community, 
>The following error message appeared after running VBM 5.1 estimate & write function for a single subject:
>Error running job: Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
>In file "C:\Programme\SPM\spm5\toolbox\vbm5\cg_vbm_write.m" (v716), function "mask_largest_cluster" at line 552.
>In file "C:\Programme\SPM\spm5\toolbox\vbm5\cg_vbm_write.m" (v716), function "clean_gwc" at line 615.
>In file "C:\Programme\SPM\spm5\toolbox\vbm5\cg_vbm_write.m" (v716), function "vbm_apply" at line 248.
>In file "C:\Programme\SPM\spm5\toolbox\vbm5\cg_vbm_write.m" (v716), function "cg_vbm_write" at line 35.
>In file "C:\Programme\SPM\spm5\toolbox\vbm5\cg_config_vbm.m" (v424), function "execute_estwrite" at line 729.
>I am using MATLAB 7.5.00 (R2007b) and SPM5 (with Updates_3381) on a Windows XP (32-bit) machine with 2GB RAM.
>In principle I could try to use SPM8 and VBM8 with a newer version MATLAB version (R2010a) but I guess the toolbox will work only on a 64-bit machine?
I would strongly recommend to use the newer VBM8 version. You don't need a 64bit version for VBM8, but it will help you with some memory issues that only occur on 32bit Windows systems. Furthermore, you can follow Lucas suggestions to downsample the images to 1mm^3.




Christian Gaser, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Computational Neuroscience
Department of Psychiatry
Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena
Jahnstrasse 3, D-07743 Jena, Germany
Tel: ++49-3641-934752	Fax:   ++49-3641-934755
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
>Any help would be appreciated
>Dr. phil. Lars Michels
>Postdoctoral Fellow
>Steinwiesstrasse 75 
>8032 Z�rich 
>Tel.  0041 44 266 78 28
>Fax  0041 44 266 71 53 