

Body and Mind in the History of Medicine and Health

European Association for the History of Medicine and Health 2011 Biennial Conference,
Co-organized by the Descartes Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities and by the University Medical Centre Utrecht

Utrecht, The Netherlands

 1 - 4 September 2011

Formal call for papers

Deadline for proposals: 1 December 2010

Keynote speakers: Floris Cohen, Jacalyn Duffin, Annemarie Mol and Roger Smith

Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>


The EAHMH invites submissions for its biennial meeting, to be held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, from 1 to 4 September 2011. In the city whose name is closely linked to René Descartes, the Association welcomes abstracts on the general theme 'Body and Mind in the History of Medicine and Health'. This theme encompasses research in any area where body and mind (and their interaction) were pivotal subjects in the creation of concepts, practices and institutions and in the lived experience of health and disease. Papers addressing recent debates concerning historiography and / or methodology are especially welcomed. Papers dealing with the teaching of medical history in a concrete way, as well as incorporating personal experiences, are also invited. It is hoped that a special session may be organized on the teaching of medical history. Submissions relating to all historical periods and all regions are welcome, as are submissions from non-members.

Abstracts should not exceed one page and should include information concerning the scientific question examined, the sources and approach used and the (preliminary) results. Abstracts should contain a title and the speaker's contact information (name, affiliation, address and email address). In addition to single-paper proposals, proposals for sessions including three or four papers are also invited. All papers in pre-arranged sessions will be judged according to their individual merits. The Scientific Board of the EAHMH reserves the right to rearrange sessions in the light of proposals received.  Individual paper presentations will be limited to 20 minutes, allowing for 10 minutes of discussion. Please submit all proposals for papers and sessions to [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>  no later than 1 December 2010.


- 1 December 2010: deadline for submission of abstracts

- 3-5 February 2011: discussion of abstracts by the Scientific Board

- End of February 2011: response to paper / session proposals


* The EAHMH is offering an award of EUR 500,- for the best paper presented at the Utrecht conference by a (PhD)student.

* The EAHMH is offering an award of EUR 3000,- for the best medical history monograph published in the four years preceding the Utrecht conference.

For the details on the awards, please visit our website.


The European Association for the History of Medicine and Health aims to foster research and the international exchange of views on all issues concerning the history of health and medicine in Europe and their connections with the extra-European world. Membership is open to scholars from a range of academic disciplines and countries. We encourage the publication of high quality research through our journal Medical History.

Descartes Centre

The Descartes Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities is a collaboration of all faculties of Utrecht University. It offers two English-spoken Research Master's programs. The Descartes Centre coordinates research in the field at Utrecht University, and is offering fellowships to promote intellectual exchange in the field of the history and philosophy of the sciences and the humanities.

UMC Utrecht

The University Medical Center Utrecht is one of the largest public health institutions in the Netherlands. It is conducting leading research from bench to bedside, offering state of the art care to patients and providing education to students, biomedical researchers, doctors and other caregivers.