

Dear Mersenners,

below is the Manchester CHSTM seminar programme for this semester. Our seminars are on Tuesdays at 4pm in room 2.57, Simon Building, Brunswick Street, Manchester. There is tea from 3.30pm. For further information and directions please see the CHSTM website:

Leucha Veneer

5 October                        Klaus Dodds (Geography, Royal Holloway)

Icy Geopolitics: Anticipation, Calculation and Performance in and around the Arctic Ocean

 12 October                      Ann LaBerge (STS, Virginia Tech)

Putting It On and Taking It Off

19 October                      Judy Houck (History of Science, Wisconsin-Madison)

Revolutionary Health Care? Challenge, Compromise, and Continuity in a Feminist Women's Health Center, 1973-2007

26 October                     Miruna Achim (Humanities, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City)

Mexican antiquities for mounted birds (Or, how to build a National Museum, Mexico City, ca 1828)

9 November                   Max Jones (History, Manchester)

‘Dr. Nansen, we all love him so very much, and hope he won’t go away’: Science, Exploration and Celebrity in the Age of Empire

 16 November                  Jenny Kitzinger (Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies, Cardiff) & Celia Kitzinger (Sociology, York)

An accident of history? The treatment of those in vegetative and minimally conscious states – an auto-ethnography of medical intervention, consent and the Mental Capacity Act

 30 November                  Sophie Weeks (HPS, Leeds)

Francis Bacon's Novum Organum: ‘a gentle method in the cure of universal madness’

 7 December                    Steve King (History, Leicester)

London apothecaries, the law and community, 1800-1880

Dr Leucha Veneer
Research Associate
Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
Simon Building (Room 2.66)
University of Manchester
Brunswick Street
Manchester, M13 9PL

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