That's so powerful, Brian - thank you for sharing it. I think all of us can empathise with the endless to do list comment and yet we can silence that relentless driving. We can learn to,

Kind regards,



Sarah Fletcher

Consultant Research Mentor
Convenor for BERA Mentoring and Coaching SIG
Details at

--- On Mon, 9/20/10, Brian wakeman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: Brian wakeman <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Welcome to our e-seminar!
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Monday, September 20, 2010, 11:55 AM

Self-doubt and belief :

Written for a colleague going through the former:



The constant driving,

Incessant striving,

The expectations

And justifications…

I can’t keep up with

Life’s palpitations….


Awaking from a restless night

I’ve lost the will to face the fight

The ‘To Do’ list just increasing

Guilt and apathy competing.

I admit an inability to cope.

Life’s  lost that lustre of a living hope.



Where is your ‘peace’, Shalom today?

Is this just blind acceptance come what may?

I’ve told others to keep faith and trust still

In whatever happens, good or ill.

I never thought I would make these confessions

 Or even pose these disturbing questions.


Restore to me the joy of salvation

Father, send your love and restoration.

Heal my restive spirit, burnt out soul.

Give me the humility of pacing.

I need ‘time-outs’, wisdom to avoid the racing,

The skill to challenge negative feelings and thoughts

To be released from the tyranny of others’ ‘oughts’.



I need this space to draw refreshment

From Your springs, to recover contentment,

The inspiration and reassurance

That you are here in whatever circumstance.

Come alongside, give that Living Water

Renew my mind and vision whenever they falter.








Brian E. WakemanFree-lance Educational Consultant

From: Hannah Jones <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Mon, 20 September, 2010 9:14:41
Subject: Re: Welcome to our e-seminar!

Thanks Sarah
Thanks Dana

I am enjoying the discussion so far and look forward to hearing more thoughts and ideas about self doubt and self belief.

What current self doubt/belief issues are staff facing in your school / work place?