

Dear All,

The Archaeology Data Service has been undertaking an extensive revision of
its website and the time has now come for broader feedback from our users We
would like to invite HER Forum members to have a look at our new site and to
pass on their comments.

Email for comments: [log in to unmask]

Please note the site is best viewed in FireFox (Mozilla) browsers at the
moment. This beta test phase is intended to look at the usability and
functionality as well as the 'look and feel' of the site. There are a couple
of known issues remaining and we are not asking yet for comments on specific
search results, rather on the usability of the search mechanism.

We look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions to the above
email address and hope you enjoy exploring this exciting new development.
Please note that the registration required is for the test version of this
site only, when it goes live registration will be optional. There has been
no changes to our terms and conditions of use, i.e. free and open access for
research purposes.

Best wishes,

Dr Stuart Jeffrey

Archaeology Data Service	
Department of Archaeology		
University of York				
The King's Manor
York, YO1 7EP, UK

Tel: +44 1904 434990
Fax: +44 1904 433939 