


It is difficult to answer this precisely without seeing the actual
images but I suspect the following:

The phase image (256x256x56 image) looks correct, although
there is really no need to get such high-resolution, 1mm, data
as 3mm resolution would be fine and really speed up your acquisition!

The magnitude image (256x256x32x2) seems incorrectly
reconstructed (i.e. probably wrongly converted from DICOM to NIfTI)
as the z field-of-view is much smaller than that of the phase,
and it should be matched to the phase image.

The other two images clearly are incorrectly reconstructed as
they have ridiculous sizes (1087 or 953 slices!)

So I think you probably need to try another method of
conversion to NIfTI.  You can also considerably speed
up your sequence by increasing the voxel size, assuming
that these voxel sizes are the same as was in your original

All the best,

On 28 Sep 2010, at 16:43, Jenifer Juranek wrote:

> Thanks, Matt.
> Your comments on what I do have (see fslinfo below) would be very  
> helpful (since I'm not sure what I need vs what I received). I've  
> looked at the following for some guidance, but the data I received  
> does not seem to fit.
> Any ideas what I have here?
> 1) 2040 dicom files
> 2) dcm2nii -->16 phase and magnitude image pairs
> 3) 2 unpaired image files (see fslinfo below)
> 4) partial FOV (inferior  portion of the brain only...mainly  
> subcallosal along the entire A-P axis...z=31 in each pair)
> magnitude image (#7 out of 16)
> fslinfo 20100914_153118IM_0007B0mapSENSEPPSF002s801a6008A.nii
> data_type      INT16
> dim1           256
> dim2           256
> dim3           32
> dim4           2
> datatype       4
> pixdim1        1.0000000000
> pixdim2        1.0000000000
> pixdim3        2.0000000000
> pixdim4        0.0500000007
> cal_max        0.0000
> cal_min        0.0000
> file_type      NIFTI-1+
> phase image (#7 out of 16)
> fslinfo 20100914_153118IM_0007B0mapSENSEPPSF002s801a6008.nii
> data_type      INT16
> dim1           256
> dim2           256
> dim3           56
> dim4           1
> datatype       4
> pixdim1        1.0000000000
> pixdim2        1.0000000000
> pixdim3        2.0000000000
> pixdim4        0.0500000007
> cal_max        0.0000
> cal_min        0.0000
> file_type      NIFTI-1+
> Unpaired image file with combination of phase info (in X,Y planes of  
> FSLview window) and a magnitude image (whole brain) in the Z plane  
> FSLview window
> fslinfo 20100914_153118IM_0017B0mapSENSEPPSF002s801a008.nii
> data_type      INT16
> dim1           256
> dim2           256
> dim3           1087
> dim4           1
> datatype       4
> pixdim1        1.0000000000
> pixdim2        1.0000000000
> pixdim3        2.0000000000
> pixdim4        0.0500000007
> cal_max        0.0000
> cal_min        0.0000
> file_type      NIFTI-1+
> Unpaired image file all 3 planes of FSLview window contain complex  
> data
> fslinfo 20100914_153118IM_0001B0mapSENSEPPSF002s801a008.nii
> data_type      INT16
> dim1           256
> dim2           256
> dim3           953
> dim4           1
> datatype       4
> pixdim1        1.0000000000
> pixdim2        1.0000000000
> pixdim3        2.0000000000
> pixdim4        0.0500000007
> cal_max        0.0000
> cal_min        0.0000
> file_type      NIFTI-1+