

Making the case for higher education in the creative economy: building partnerships with creative businesses


7 December 2010, Woburn House Conference Centre, London


In light of the comprehensive spending review on 20 October 2010, and following the changes to the regional development funding structures, we will need to assess what this will this mean for collaboration between higher education and the creative industries.


A conference on 7 December in central London will launch a report on the role of UK universities in supporting the creative industries, particularly during the current economic downturn.  The report will make a number of key recommendations to Government regarding their future thinking around supporting the creative industries through higher education partnerships.


Confirmed speakers include:



The day will showcase some of the experiences of universities in making their case to the creative industries for increased collaboration.  Delegates will also be able to hear the views of key creative business representatives on the future for higher education collaboration.


Finally, the European Commission will update delegates on their current Green Paper consultation on unlocking the potential of the creative and cultural industries in Europe, and what this means for UK universities.


Delegates will also be able to attend a workshop on the following five themes:


·         Graduate employability and entrepreneurship

·         Regional creative hubs

·         Research and innovation

·         The multidisciplinary approach

·         Workforce development


Please call 020 7419 5424 or email [log in to unmask] if you have any queries.


Who should attend?


Vice-chancellors, Pro vice-chancellors, Deans, Curriculum managers, as well as businesses from the creative industries.


Agenda and booking form


For details of the full agenda and how to book a place please go to:  




Woburn House Conference Centre, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9HQ


Location map:


Partnership opportunities


Please email [log in to unmask] or telephone 0207 419 5424 if you would like to discuss partnership opportunities for your organisation at this conference.



Ian Morton, Campaigns and Events Officer, Universities UK

Direct tel +44 (0)20 7419 5424 Email [log in to unmask]


Switchboard tel +44 (0)20 7419 4111  Fax +44 (0)20 7383 5766



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