

[Feel free to forward/repost as appropriate]

Dear Dublin Core community:

There have been problems with hotel reservations for DC-2010 in Pittsburgh, but ASIST thinks they have been resolved.

-- New online link:  Use to make reservations.  Enter the code "SAT" in the ?Group/Convention Code? portion of the request form. You will receive an emailed confirmation once the reservation is made.  They send a confirming e-mail which says, in part, "A live agent will contact you today to secure your credit card guarantee and answer any questions you may have."  However, you may receive a second follow-up email instead of a personal contact.  The hotel has agreed to push back their date for getting the DCMI/ASIS&T rate to October 5.

-- Reservations can still be made by calling (412) 560-1751 and telling them you're with Dublin Core ("SAT") to receive the special room rate.  

We know we have a very strong program this year and hope to see many of you in Pittsburgh.

Stuart Sutton, Chair, DC-2010

The Information School
University of Washington
Seattle, WA, USA