

9th MAGIS – Gorizia International Film Studies Spring School

Gorizia, April 8 – 13, 2011


Memory, Cinema, Video and the Image of the Present

The 9th MAGIS Spring School, organized by the University of Udine and  
the University of Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle, in collaboration with  
their network of partners – Universities of Amsterdam, Bochum,  
Prague, Valencia and Milan-Catholic, Pisa and CineGraph/Hamburg – as  
part of the activities of International Ph.D. in Audiovisual Studies  
will be held in Gorizia from April 8th to April 13th, 2011. This 9th  
edition of the MAGIS Spring School will focus on the relationship  
between audiovisual forms and the notion of “The Archive”. With the  
help of scholars, graduate students, artists, curators and  
representatives of art institutions, and through plenary sessions and  
workshops, the 9th Spring School will address “The Archive” in  
relation to specific disciplinary fields, objects and perspectives of  
research: Cinema & Contemporary Visual Arts, Post-Cinema, Porn  
Studies and Film Heritage.

Cinema & Contemporary Visual Arts

The archive form undoubtedly dominated curatorial and artistic  
practices of the last decade. On the one hand, it allowed for the  
adoption of a retrospective point of view toward important modernist  
points of reference, thereby reappraising not only their historical  
importance, but also their utopian aspect and experimental gesture.  
On the other hand, it made the assemblage and manipulation of sources  
(with the digital turn becoming increasingly more accessible)  
possible, and gave rise to a different phenomenological experience of  
reality, which modifies the interpretation, recording and  
organization of data.

Sharing the theoretical framework and perspective suggested by the  
FilmForum 2011’s call for papers, the Cinema & Contemporary Visual  
Arts section aims to investigate the archive form with an analysis of  
its significance in relation to these two aspects. We will place a  
particular emphasis on the relevance of research and authorial  
practices of Internet, of sound and moving images.

The program of the Cinema & Contemporary Visual Arts section will  
consist of individual presentations, panels, workshops and  
roundtables. Applicants are invited to submit papers addressing the  
FilmForum’s general topic from this disciplinary and theoretical  
perspective, or to draw inspiration from the following questions:

-       How can art enter into relationship with the wider dynamics  
of individual and collective building of memory, identity and  
knowledge? What short circuits are created when the artist works in  
the same way as the archive or the museum, that is, organizing  
memory, identity and related imaginaries?

-       In what ways can the artistic remediation of documents  
interrogate and challenge collective memory and politically  
determined historic views? What are the chances of individual  
infiltration in the system of knowledge organization opened up by  
artistic practice?

-       How are the contemporary non-hierarchical and participatory  
dynamics of access to knowledge expressed by contemporary art  
practice? What are, at present, the possible solutions to the complex  
relationships between the right of access to knowledge and that of  

-       How do the curatorial, storage, preservation and  
dissemination practices deal with the intangible nature of  
audiovisual artworks? And, more specifically, how do they deal with  
the concepts of de-location, variability, re-mediation,  
performativity and interactivity, in connection with the network and  
the digital nature of audiovisual data?

-       How do curatorial methodologies deal with new modes of  
knowledge organization and use determined by the digital archive as a  
cultural metaphor?

Deadline for proposals: November 1, 2010

Length of proposal: 1 page max

A short CV (10 lines max.) should be sent with proposals

Email: [log in to unmask]

For more information, please contact:

Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali - Università degli  
Studi di Udine, Palazzo Caiselli, Vicolo Florio 2 - 33100 Udine,  
Italy fax: +39/0432/556644 - e-mail: [log in to unmask] /  
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