

Dear CCP4 List Members,

I am looking for a program that could help me to design the better sequence for a linker for a fusion protein.
I found some references about the LINKER program, but the web server link didn't work.

Is there a new link for this program
 or may be could you advise me on other programs or web servers to do this work.

thanks a lot

Julie Ménétrey
Team - Structural biology of molecular switches and motors
Laboratoire d'Enzymologie et Biochimie Structurales (LEBS) - UPR 3082 - CNRS
Bât. 34 - 1 avenue de la terrasse
91198 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, FRANCE
Tel: 33 - 1 69 82 42 45 - Fax 33 - 1 69 82 31 29