

On 8 Sep 2010, at 17:09, Peter Riley wrote:

> Surely what's happened is a shift in the definition of "elegy" from  
> a form to an emotion?
> And maybe also from an occasion to a personal event

Yes. I need to reemphasize that I was not just talking about a poem  
having a 'subject' (e.g. the death of a parent), but about the ways in  
which the subject of the poem becomes its primary value. And Peter is  
right, one of the ways in which this reversal happens is through, in  
this case, the implied 'emotion'.

So many mainstream poems are just a series of prompts to various  
expected 'shared' emotions etc. If I was in a cynical mood (heaven  
help me) I might say that a lot of the 'best' mainstream poetry of  
this sort is simply that which manages to cloak these prompts better  
than others but I'm not in a cynical mood so I won't say that.

Tim A.