

German Expressionism Film Season, 10 - 16 September at Ciné lumière

The birth of German Expressionist cinema followed on from avant-garde developments in painting, theatre, literature and architecture beginning before World War I and reaching a peak in Berlin during the 1920s. Ciné lumière will present some of the pivotal films including Robert Wiene's The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919), Nosferatu (1922), and M (1931). Fritz Lang's Metropolis (1926) was one of the last major Expressionist films, and will be shown on a new print.

Venue:    Ciné lumière at the Institut français
                17 Queensberry Place
                London SW7 2DT
                020 7073 1350 (telephone booking from 1st Sept)

For more information and tickets:

Naomi Crowther 
Marketing & PR Assistant 
Institut français du Royaume-Uni 
17 Queensberry Place 
London SW7 2DT 
T:020 7073 1333