

Dear Ruth
Here are links for manipulable 3-d image sets. The C6 is included in  the 
axial pdf. These files are large, so take some time to download, but the  
image is good and you can view from various angles.  It is a modern horse,  but 
should be fairly applicable for your donkey.
Niven, L.,  Steele, T.E., Finke, H., Gernat, T., Hublin, J.-J. (2009) 
“Virtual  skeletons: using a structured light scanner to create a 3D 
faunal  comparative collection.“ Journal of Archaeological Science 36: 
2018-2023.  [_pdf]_ 
Examples of scans  from a modern horse, gazelle, barbary sheep, ibex, and 
reindeer (one  juvenile, one adult) can be found here: 
(my last  access: 8/09) 
_Equus caballus.zip_ 
(  [85 MB ZIP file containing 4 PDF  files]